Let’s celebrate the end of another productive week with the newest LinkedLetter! Do you want to know more about the new navigation experience in LinkedIn’s campaign manager, the new elements added to Service Pages, or how LinkedIn will help in advancing equity for black entrepreneurs? Keep on reading.

Campaign Manager is one of the vital tools for every marketer on LinkedIn, as it helps create and manage LinkedIn Ads ​​accounts and campaigns. An updated left-hand navigation offers a simplified, but more convenient experience and it makes it easier to find certain campaign and account elements. The new navigation is gradually being rolled out and soon all users will have access to it.

The navigation includes sections such as Plan, where marketers can view their matched audience, allowing the opportunity to plan segments in the most relevant way and adding domains and mobile apps if needed.

What is more, the element of advertisement is also included – by creating campaign groups and ads and testing them – running and analyzing experiments for ad campaigns. Thus, individuals could manage the settings for their ad accounts by playing with the campaign assets, including Lead Gen Forms and Landing Pages. Learn more.

LinkedIn also adds new elements to its Services’ listings, making one more step to help freelancers and small and medium-sized businesses. Users will now be able to link their LinkedIn Company Page into their Services listing, creating a direct path to a Service Page for potential clients. This feature will be available on desktop only and for single-admin LinkedIn Pages that have a Service Page. LinkedIn users will see the View services button both on mobile and desktop devices. The platform will also now enable users to add a media showcase to their services pages. Read more.

Тo help and elevate Black businesses, LinkedIn announced a new $500,000 grant to support programs and organizations that accelerate Black entrepreneurship during Black History Month. Since 2020, the platform has donated $5 million in funding the economic and workforce development within the Black community. They are also launching a Black Entrepreneurs Summit and unlocking LinkedIn Learning courses in order to educate individuals in their professional development and starting businesses. If you want to take part in the conversation and create awareness, join LinkedIn for a month of great content and tag #WelcomeProfessionals and #BlackHistoryMonth. If you want to learn more, read here.

The Linked Blog is here to help you or your brand have the best possible LinkedIn presence, so feel free to contact us if you need help! See what else we can do for you here.

Written by

Tedy Rafailova

Tedy Rafailova is the youngest addition to the team. Before becoming one of the most recognizable Bulgarian bookstagrammers and creating the blog The Bilingual Reader, she devoted herself to her studies at the Faculty of Law at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”.

In addition to her passion for books, Tedy is also known for her commitment to humanitarian causes and organizations. She was a member of the Children's Council of the SACP, secretary, vice president and president of clubs in the family of Rotaract Bulgaria - District 2482, as well as a district officer. Tedy is also the creator of the first in Bulgaria #Bookstagram academy, where micro-influencers learn the intricacies of the book Instagram. She has experience in conducting seminars on business etiquette and public speaking in Bulgarian, English and Russian.