Welcome to the latest issue of LinkedLetter, your premier source for all the latest news and developments around the professional network LinkedIn. In this edition, we present a number of exciting updates ranging from the potential inclusion of a video feed feature to the introduction of dynamic UTMs to LinkedIn Ads. Moreover, we delve into data showcasing LinkedIn’s increased popularity, as well as a response to LinkedIn’s potential new gaming features.
LinkedIn May be Undergoing a Tik-Tok Transformation
LinkedIn is testing a TikTok-like short-form video feed. Its main aim is to boost engagement and discovery on the platform with a focus on careers and professionalism. The feature, currently in early testing, allows users to swipe through a vertical feed of bite-sized videos, with options to like, comment, or share. This initiative reflects LinkedIn’s adaptation to video content’s growing popularity for professional learning and development, offering new opportunities for creators to share relevant content and potentially reach a larger audience.
Source: Austin Null
This new feature was first spotted and highlighted by user Austin Null and shortly after news outlets such as TechCrunch confirmed with LinkedIn that this new feature was indeed in the testing phase.
LinkedIn Ads Introduces Dynamic UTMs
LinkedIn is introducing dynamic UTMs to track campaigns, doing away with the requirement for manual setup. By making it easier to add unique tracking components to campaign URLs, this innovation improves tracking precision. The feature is expected to be globally available at the end of March.
Source: Search Engine Land
UTM stands short for Urchin Tracking Module parameters – text snippets added to URLs to track ad click sources, such as campaign or placement origins. They’re vital for marketers to understand campaign performance and are especially important in the current environment where privacy issues are being spotlighted. That is because they don’t depend on third-party cookies or IP addresses for ad measurement.
LinkedIn Boasts Increased Engagement in 2024
In 2024, LinkedIn has seen a remarkable 44% year-over-year increase in engagement for B2B brands. The data is presented by SocialInsider. According to them, LinkedIn is outpacing other social networks where engagement is declining. This success is attributed to brands leveraging LinkedIn’s specific features and understanding its audience to craft compelling content. Notably, posts featuring multiple images paired with concise captions have been particularly effective in drawing larger audiences and sparking increased interaction through likes and comments.
Source: SocialInsider
While video content is ubiquitous across social platforms, its popularity on LinkedIn is growing, especially videos that receive high shares, significantly boosting brand awareness and engagement. Profiles with over 100k followers see their videos shared widely, making video the most shared media type on LinkedIn. The platform’s rising popularity is also due to brands posting more frequently, now averaging 18 posts a month. In 2024 polls, image-rich posts, and videos were the top engaging content types.
User Perception of LinkedIn’s New Gaming Features
Real Research repealed user sentiment surrounding LinkedIn’s plans to add mini-games to the platform. Some of the most interesting insights from the survey are as follows:
- 67% of respondents believe this addition will change LinkedIn’s image
- Around 66% think it aligns with LinkedIn’s role as a professional network
- Over 45% believe it will enhance and foster quality discussions
Source: RealResearch Media
Further information on interesting takeaways from the survey can be found here.
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