LinkedIn is offering new ways for businesses to make the best use of the platform, as well as AI-powered tools that will assist premium users, especially those seeking jobs. Discover how to optimize your presence on the platform and get the best of it using all AI solutions in the latest edition of our LinkedLetter …
Linked Letter
LinkedLetter #28: Articles and New Roles on Pages, Advertiser Class Action
Linked Letter is our weekly digest for the latest and most important news around the professional network from the past seven days. This week we have some insider stuff, so keep reading. Articles are coming to LinkedIn Pages! The publishing platform is being expanded and now not only users will be able to create longer …
LinkedLetter #27: LinkedIn Top Voices, New Recruiter & Jobs and a Viral Story
Linked Letter is our weekly digest for the latest and most important news around the professional network from the past seven days. We started it in May at BookMark’s webpage, delivering content in Bulgarian. However, after the major shift we recently had with moving the agency predominantly to the LinkedIn Marketing realm, The Linked Blog …