Starting as a beta feature in 2019, LinkedIn Newsletters gain more and more popularity among the users on the platform. The feature is available for all users who have turned on creator mode and have met the newsletters access criteria. And of course, are ready to share their expertise and useful content with their followers. …
LinkedIn Live
LinkedIn Will Be Rolling Out New Updates On LinkedIn Live and Events
Today we share with you some exciting news related to LinkedIn Live and Events! The professionals are using these features to build deeper relationships with their customers. LinkedIn has the mission to make these relationships much stronger and that’s why 4 new updates will be taking place in the next few months! LinkedIn Live access …
LinkedLetter #42 – Video Cover Story, Creator Mode, LinkedIn Live Features, and More
LinkedLetter #42 is dedicated to LinkedIn’s efforts towards helping its members create more expressive and inclusive Profiles. This week the platform introduced a couple of new features: video Cover Story for introduction; an option that allows members to choose their gender pronouns; some news for the broadcasters – first, from this week the option to …
If Content is King, Formats Are Its Soldiers
We created The Linked Blog with one main purpose – to help our readers use LinkedIn in the most efficient way and inform them regularly about new features and functionalities of the professional network. Today’s article can help everybody who seems lost in the publishing formats that LinkedIn provides. You will find structured and comprehensive …