LinkedIn is introducing three free “thinking-oriented” games to join the trend of brain-teasing puzzles that people are enjoying daily. These games are meant to help people make new friends while having fun. You can find them here and the best part is that they’re quick to play. There’s “Pinpoint” where you guess words related to each other, “Queens” – a puzzle game with crowns, and “Crossclimb” – a mix of trivia and word puzzles. They’re designed to be solved in just a few minutes, so they’re perfect for a quick break.

After playing, you can share your results with your colleagues, classmates, or others you know. This can help start conversations and build better relationships. Daniel Roth, Editor in Chief, VP at LinkedIn, says games are a great way to make friends. These games are inspired by others like Wordle, and they fit well with LinkedIn’s news section. Laura Lorenzetti, who’s in charge of news at LinkedIn, says they want to help people think and connect at the same time.

Some experts think these games might make people spend more time on LinkedIn, which could be good for advertisers. But for now, the games are free of ads. LinkedIn hopes these games will make it even better for finding jobs and making friends. Adding games to LinkedIn is a big step. It’s a new way to meet people and have fun while still being professional. So, next time you’re on LinkedIn, try out the games and see who you can connect with!

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Written by

Dilyana Deneva

Dilyana Deneva has graduated in Psychology at The Open University, UK. She has five years of experience as a project coordinator at the European non-governmental organization working in the human rights sector – European Network on Independent Living, based in Brussels. Since 2017 she is an editor at – the largest media for books and reading in Bulgaria. Dilyana was a coordinator of the “Borrowed Writer” campaign – an initiative of, which aimed to familiarize students in Bulgaria with contemporary writers. Part of BookMark since March 2018 and partner at the agency since September 2020.