How to Find Out Which LinkedIn Member You Are?

Today I turn 16 years on LinkedIn! Over a decade and a half in which I’ve spent most of my social media time on the professional network. The anniversary coincided with a request from one of our partners to find her “LinkedIn Number” – the exact position of her registration among other LinkedIn users.

Well, that appeared to be a hard task with the current structure of LinkedIn’s profile pages and URLs. A few years ago, the links to all profiles consisted of each member’s ID (e.g. “View?ID=XXXXXX”), but that’s no longer the case. So how do we find the key number?

Here are the two options, the only requirement is to access LinkedIn via the browser of your computer.

How to find your own LinkedIn number?

Go to your Home page where your feed is visible. Then with a right-click go to View Page Source for Chrome or Firefox, Show Page Source for Safari or . Then search for memberId”:” in the code and the following is your LinkedIn Member Number.

Yes, I’ve registered as the 30,312,157th LinkedIn member!

How to find other member’s LinkedIn number?

This one’s a bit harder, but we also have a trick for it! Go to any member’s profile, repeat the “Search in the Page Source” drill (right-click+View Page Source) and search for experience, (there’s a comma here, don’t miss it) and then look for the number following the urn:li:member tag.

As you probably wonder whose LinkedIn ID is this, meet Alina Necula, Country Manager for Romania at the Lion’s Head, one of the leading South-Eastern European investors in real estate. Why her? Not only she asked about it, but she is also one of the long-standing Romanian business leaders using LinkedIn “before it was cool”. And since you are reading this because of her, you could follow her – it’s definitely worth it!

And you can tell us in the comments – What’s Your LinkedIn Number?

Written by

Alexander Krastev

Alexander Krastev has been developing successful communication channels in the online realm for over 14 years. Since the end of 2017 he has been leading the BookMark Agency.
Founder and news editor at the biggest online media for books and reading in Bulgaria - the multi-award winning website He has also been giving lectures on LinkedIn at New Bulgarian University and SoftUni, Sofia. He has consulted the Bulgarian translations for several business books, among which “Creative Selection” by Ken Kocienda, “Guerrilla Marketing” by Jay Conrad Levinson, “Creative Genius” by Peter Fisk, “Social BOOM!” by Jeffrey Gitomer.