
LinkedIn newsletters continue to be one of the most effective ways for professionals to share their expertise. By consistently publishing high-quality LinkedIn content, they can build trust, credibility, and create a sense of community among their followers. In the past year, the number of LinkedIn members publishing newsletters has increased by 59%, and engagement with these newsletters has risen by 47%. LinkedIn is launching new newsletter tools to improve user experience and engagement. Find out more about these updates in the article below!

How LinkedIn Newsletters Tools Boost Creativity?

One of the elements of an article is the cover image. It is important because it grabs attention and draws readers in, setting the tone for your content. To enhance this aspect, LinkedIn has introduced new tools for creating cover images. You can now utilize Microsoft’s AI-powered Designer Tool to craft custom cover images for your newsletters. This tool offers a range of templates, size options, and design suggestions, helping you to create visually striking and professional covers with ease.

Source: TheLinkedBlog

Experience a Fresh Perspective: View & Comment On LinkedIn Like Never Before!

The LinkedIn newsletter is a powerful format for sharing insights and fostering discussions on various expert subjects. They allow you to regularly discuss topics you are passionate about and keep your subscribers informed with each new edition. To better the interactive experience, LinkedIn has introduced an updated reading interface that enhances engagement by displaying comments alongside your newsletter articles. This new feature allows readers to easily view and join discussions, fostering more interactive and dynamic conversations around your content.

Source: TheLinkedBlog

Boost Your Readership on LinkedIn with Enhanced Subscriber Notifications

LinkedIn’s latest update further enhances the notification system for newsletter subscribers. With each new edition, subscribers will receive email alerts and in-app messages, ensuring they are promptly informed about the latest content. Additionally, the social media will encourage your followers to subscribe, expanding your audience base. These improvements aim to increase engagement and drive more views for your newsletters.

Mention Fellow Professionals in Your LinkedIn Articles

Mentioning other profiles and companies in your articles is a powerful way to build connections and add credibility to your content. LinkedIn’s new feature allows you to embed links to other profiles and pages directly into your newsletter articles. This enables readers to easily click through and learn more about the individuals or companies you reference. It’s very simple – just add a link following the below example.

Source: TheLinkedBlog

Source: TheLinkedBlog

Ensure Marketing Success With Link Previews

Last, but not least, LinkedIn has introduced a new functionality that allows you to preview links before publishing. With this update, you can access a staging link to preview the newsletter URL before it goes live. This feature is incredibly useful for ensuring your content looks exactly as you intend and can be shared and distributed more effectively, enhancing your overall communication strategy.

As the platform continues to evolve, it is consistently offering new and useful tools for professional growth and networking. The newsletter feature remains crucial for sharing insights, building a dedicated audience, and fostering meaningful discussions. Embrace these updates and unlock your potential to connect, engage, and inspire within the professional community.

The Linked Blog is here to help you or your brand have the best possible LinkedIn presence, so feel free to contact us if you need help! See more about what we can do for you here.