LinkedIn Features Article Recommendation

In the professional world, trust is crucial. In today’s competitive landscape, demonstrating your capabilities and possessing specific skills and qualities are essential. However, proving these attributes at first glance can be challenging. That’s where feedback comes in – it builds trust and provides tangible proof of your abilities. Who wouldn’t desire such credibility to enhance their career and expand their growth opportunities?

LinkedIn Recommendation is Your Solution

What about LinkedIn recommendation sections on LinkedIn? It is important to validate your abilities using trusted sources that you have had direct contact with, such as your 1st-degree connections on LinkedIn. LinkedIn recommendations highlight your skills, character, and achievements, and serve as endorsements from colleagues, managers, or clients, providing an extra layer of credibility to your LinkedIn profile. When someone writes a LinkedIn recommendation for you, you can review it and either accept, dismiss, or request a revision. Once accepted, these recommendations become visible to your network, showcasing your positive impact on your professional relationships. You can also write recommendations for others, helping to build trust and strengthen connections within your network.

How do LinkedIn recommendations appear on your LinkedIn profile?

Source: TheLinkedBlog

6 Key Moments to Ask for Recommendations on LinkedIn 

LinkedIn makes it easy to choose where to get a LinkedIn recommendation by providing a list of options. This is also one way to ensure the credibility of the source and its feedback. You need to specify your relationship with the individual and your position at that time in your LinkedIn profile.

Source: TheLinkedBlog

Source: TheLinkedBlog

Despite everything mentioned so far, there are several key moments when you have a relevant opportunity to ask for a LinkedIn recommendation. Check out these 6 key moments you shouldn’t miss to request a recommendation: 

  • Academic Achievement: Request recommendations on LinkedIn from professors or academic advisors who can attest to your academic and research skills;
  • Freelance Work: Ask clients or collaborators from freelance projects to write recommendations;
  • Project Completion: After successfully completing a major project, ask your project manager or team leader to endorse your contributions;
  • Job Transition: Request recommendations from your previous team or manager when you’re moving to a new job;
  • Client Success: Request recommendations from long-term clients who can vouch for your dedication and results-driven approach.
  • Volunteer Work: Seek recommendations from people in volunteer projects with you.

Turn every situation to your benefit. There are many instances where you can comfortably request a recommendation on LinkedIn from your network.

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile?

There are many ways to ask for recommendations, making it easy to highlight your strengths. LinkedIn, as the most trusted professional platform, allows you to position yourself as a reliable and competent professional in your industry. If you don’t have recommendations yet, don’t wait – seek out opportunities and build your reputation.

Source: TheLinkedBlog

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