Building our presence on LinkedIn, not only as job seekers, but also as a brand that wants to attract quality talent can be challenging. Often, one can ask themselves, ‘’What should I include in my summary that can combine all my achievements and experience?’’. On the other hand, companies would be struggling with their job ads and posing the question: ‘’The last job posting did not collect enough applicants, how do we create a more efficient one?’’. This process is now simplified thanks to the new feature that LinkedIn offers – an AI-powered tool for profile optimization and job listings. Let’s take a look in more detail!

The feature helps users write better headlines and ‘’About’’ summaries by providing personalized writing suggestions based on the information in their profile. Having that in mind, it is crucial to fill out your profile, work experience, and skills as accurately as possible. Even though AI analyzes our profile content and so identifies our style and tone, the CPO of LinkedIn Tom Cohen urges users to review the suggested content to make it more customized. For the moment only Premium users are able to take advantage of the new AI implementation and this is how it works!

Tap on the ‘’Start’’ button and choose between ‘’Headline section’’ or ‘’About section’’. 

You will receive writing suggestions that highlight the info about your, and experience. Of course, we can’t expect these AI-generated suggestions to completely respond to the way you would naturally express yourself. For this reason, we strongly advise you to edit and personalize your content as much as you can in order to stand out. Check this bonus tip for the ‘’About’’ section!

Make your hiring process more effective with AI

Employers and talent acquisition specialists will also be able to implement AI-generative content in their daily work routines. The AI tool allows them to focus on the important aspects of the hiring process by crafting job descriptions based on some general information. This is how it works: You insert job title, company name, workplace type, job type, and location. The suggested job description can be edited to match any specific requirements. For further customization, you will also be able to get job descriptions based on the skills or experience of your existing employees’ profiles or people in your network. As experts, we believe this change would have a positive impact on the recruitment process as it will increase productivity and offer an opportunity for recruiters to prioritize the important aspects of their workflow.  Job posters in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and India will be the first to test the effectiveness of the new feature.

If you found this article engaging and you are eager to learn what else LinkedIn has to offer in terms of AI check out our thoughts on Collaborative articles.

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